Every Student Succeeds Act
AOS 43 receives federal grants under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Any individual who observes, detects, or suspects improper use of these taxpayer funds can file a report of fraud, waste, or abuse. Information on how to make such a report is linked here.
ESEA Notification
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, mandates that all states and school units provide an annual report that shares the achievement and progress of students and schools as well as information about graduation rates and the qualification of teachers in the school unit. The report serves to inform school and district improvement initiatives. In addition, the data can assist parents and community members in working effectively and productively with educators to support student achievement.
These reports summarize state assessments and other data for students in Grades 3-8 and 11. State law requires those to be made available to the community. The ESSA Dashboard at the Maine Department of Education allows you to review report cards for schools and districts across the state.
The AOS 43/MSAD 41/MSAD 31 School Department utilizes all assessment data to help inform our practices at the district, school, classroom and individual levels for our students. Although we encourage students and parents to participate fully in our assessment program, it is important to note that parents/guardians may opt their child out of state testing. Parents have the right to request district policies or procedures regarding student participation in assessments. If a parent is interested in opting their student out of testing, please reach out to your child's principal to make this request in writing.
To view the most recent report, please go to the ESSA dashboard on the Maine Department of Education website at https://www.maine.gov/doe/dashboard where you can search for your school and district data.
If you have questions about the ESSA Report or the data presented, please contact your child’s school principal or teacher.